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Analysis of You Came Too by Nikki Giovanni

This is a Short Analysis of the poem You Came, Too by Nikki Giovanni.

You Came Too by Nikki Giovanni


I came to the crowd seeking friends
I came to the crowd seeking love

I found you 

You dried my tears
You shared my happiness 
I came to the crowd to weep
I came to the crowd to laugh

I went from the crowd seeking you
I went from the crowd seeking me
I went from the crowd forever 
You came, too

Analysis of You Came, Too:

Nikki Giovanni is an extraordinary writer and a lot of her poems I enjoyed yet one that truly stood out to me was the poem You Came, Too. Nikki Giovanni poem contacted certain things that many individuals feel. It fundamentally saying that I came to a group for these things this individual was searching for and after that, they found the individual with similar goals and when it came down to that individual leaving so they can centre around them the other individual came too. 

The symbolism in that poem is endeavouring to discover somebody that makes you giggle, dries your tears when you cry, wanna be your companion and wanna be your darling… etc, however, the primary part is the point at which you have those components and when it's the ideal opportunity for you folks to step far from everybody and simply centre around one another is the other individual going to come. 

Today in the public eye individuals don't centre around things like this in light of the fact that our age is frightened of getting injured or not feeling adored. Feeling and discovering love is two things that alleviate the heart and Nikki Giovanni reveals to us searching for those things won't hurt reason there somebody for everybody in this " Crowd ". Anyway, when Nikki is discussing I came to the group I feel like she's colloquialism the group is the world of where you live or simply outside period. 

Nikki Giovanni demonstrates a ton of analogies, likeness, similar sounding word usage reiteration, and symbolism the two that emerges the most is symbolism and redundancy. The redundancy she demonstrates is I came to the group and when she said she came too the group she said it three times to tell the peruser that she came those threes time attempting to discover companions, love, understanding and afterwards said that the individual they were there and they discovered them. 

At that point, you were sobbing and crying and this individual was there to wipe them and was there to be your bliss, yet toward the end, all that made a difference was if that individual still going to be there when the smoke clears...READ MORE