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Lion Heart Analysis by Amanda Chong

This is an Analysis of the poem Lion Heart by Amanda Chong.

Lion Heart Analysis


You came out of the sea,
skin dappled scales of sunlight;
Riding crests, waves of fish in your fists.
Washed up, your gills snapped shut.
Water whipped the first breath of your lungs,
Your lips’ bud teased by morning mists.

You conquered the shore, its ivory coast.
Your legs still rocked with the memory of waves.
Sinews of sand ran across your back-
Rising runes of your oceanic origins.
Your heart thumped- an animal skin drum
heralding the coming of a prince.

In the jungle, amid rasping branches,
trees loosened their shadows to shroud you.
The prince beheld you then, a golden sheen.
Your eyes, two flickers; emerald blaze
You settled back on fluent haunches;
The squall of a beast. your roar, your call.

In crackling boats, seeds arrived, wind-blown,
You summoned their colours to the palm
of your hand, folded them snugly into loam,
watched saplings swaddled in green,
as they sunk roots, spawned shade,
and embraced the land that embraced them.

Centuries, by the sea’s pulmonary,
a vein throbbing humming bumboats – 
your trees rise as skyscrapers.
Their ankles lost in swilling water,
as they heave themselves higher
above the mirrored surface.

Remember your self: your raw lion heart,
Each beat a stony echo that washes
through ribbed vaults of buildings.

Remember your keris, iron lightning
ripping through tentacles of waves,
double-edged, curved to a point-

flung high and caught unsheathed, scattering
five stars in the red tapestry of your sky.

About Amanda Chong:

Amanda Chong is an attorney prepared in Cambridge and Harvard, who composes lyrics on her coffee breaks. Her verse has been engraved on the Marina Bay Helix Bridge and incorporated into the Cambridge International GCSE schedule. Her first accumulation of verse, Professions, was distributed in 2016 and shortlisted for the Singapore Literature Prize in 2018.

Lion Heart Analysis:

Amanda Chong has, in this poem, delivered an agreeable and wonderful blend of words to express her energetic love. Her feeling of patriotism is seen more by how much exertion she has put in portraying the lion, the maker of her nation.

In this poem, she portrays the merlion,emblem of Singapore. The Singaporean artist has committed this poem to the supernatural occurrences accomplished by the merlion,a legendary creature with a lion head and a mermaid's body. She even partners the Lion to a regal figure, "a ruler" indicating in this way its outstanding chivalrous commitment to her nation.

The 'Lion Heart', the title itself is extremely symbolical. The lion was without a doubt a critical figure, the heart of the nation. With its emerald eyes, the lion is firmly connected to images of riches and flourishing. It has changed Singapore from a rural-based island to a modernized one with high rises and outfitted with an effortlessly open harbor for a simple exchange. The lion is in charge of the financial blast of her nation and she guarantees that Singaporeans should feel obliged to the Lion and regard it as a protest of love.

From her depiction of the Lion, it appears that the Lion has uncommon forces. It's anything but an insignificant creature yet more an extraordinary figure who has favored Singapore with his otherworldly powers. It is the reason for the monetary blast of Singapore.