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Abuelito Who poem by Sandra Cisneros

This article is all about Abuelito Who poem by Sandra Cisneros.

Abuelito Who poem by Sandra Cisneros


Abuelito who throws coins like rain
and asks who loves him
who is dough and feathers
who is a watch and glass of water
whose hair is made of fur
is too sad to come downstairs today
who tells me in Spanish you are my diamond
who tells me in English you are my sky
whose little eyes are string
can't come out to play
sleeps in his little room all night and day
who used to laugh like the letter k
is sick
is a doorknob tied to a sour stick
is tired shut the door
doesn't live here anymore
is hiding underneath the bed
who talks to me inside my head
is blankets and spoons and big brown shoes
who snores up and down up and down up and down again
is the rain on the room that falls like coins
asking who loves him
who loves him who?
―Sandra Cisneros

About the Poem:

Sandra Cisneros is the writer of a poem we regularly use as a model in the Oregon Writing Project. The poem Abuelito Who is a tribute to her granddad. It contains exceptionally specific recollections she has of his activities, words, environment, and relics.