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Analysis of To the Man I Married by Angela Manalang-Gloria

This is Analysis of the poem To the Man I Married by Angela Manalang-Gloria.

To the Man I Married by Angela Manalang-Gloria


You are my earth and all the earth implies:
The gravity that ballasts me in space,
The air I breathe, the land that stills my cries
For food and shelter against devouring days.
You are the earth whose orbit marks my way
And sets my north and south, my east and west,
You are the final, elemented clay
The driven heart must turn to for its rest.

If in your arms that hold me now so near
I lift my keening thoughts to Helicon
As trees long rooted to the earth uprear
Their quickening leaves and flowers to the sun,
You who are earth, O never doubt that I
Need you no less because I need the sky!

I can not love you with a love
        That outcompares the boundless sea,
For that were false, as no such love
        And no such ocean can ever be.

But I can love you with a love
        As finite as the wave that dies
And dying holds from crest to crest
        The blue of everlasting skies.

About Angela Manalang-Gloria:

Angela Manalang Gloria's Poems (1940) is the solitary pre-war treasury of verse in English by a Filipino lady. An accumulation of expressive pieces investigating a lady's private interests, it was typically overlooked at the 1940 Commonwealth Literary Contests, which prized social centrality and good qualities. In spite of the fact that re-issued as an understudy collection in 1950, Poems neglected to justify the consideration of the prevailing abstract commentators of the time, who bought in to the school of New Criticism. 

Manalang Gloria's verse, nonetheless, has experienced revaluation as of late. The distribution of an entire gathering of her lyrics and an artistic account has made her work accessible to a more extensive group of onlookers. Re-perusing her work free from the limitations of her time, women's activist pundits, for example, Edna Zapanta Manlapaz and artist Gemino Abad have discovered the sonnets of Manalang Gloria a disclosure, inciting them to declare that she develops—imperiously—as the authority of Filipino artists writing in English...READ MORE